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Upcoming Events
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Accounting Student Social – Milwaukee
Accounting Student Social – Milwaukee
Join us at the Hacienda Taproom & Kitchen for food and drinks, and a casual opportunity to get to know each other. This event is open to all accounting students, so feel free to share the invitation with friends! RSVP if we'll see you there! hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "20432657", formId: "fc67b174-ce92-4348-94c7-b63408268d4e" });
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Leader’s Guide to Understanding Non-Profit Financials
Leader’s Guide to Understanding Non-Profit Financials
4 CPE Credit Hours; 2 Accounting 2 Finance Wednesday October 18, 2023 and Thursday October 19, 2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM each day While not everyone needs to know the specific details of accounting and financial reporting, it is important for leaders at all levels to understand how to read and use a not-for-profit’s […]
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