Upcoming Events

Virtual Audit Best Practices


  The world continues to evolve into a more remote and technology dependent society, and the COVID pandemic has only accelerated this way of life. As such, the ability to conduct audits virtually has become a more essential and, at times, necessary way of operating. REGISTER NOW Learning Objectives Understanding the differences between virtual and […]


Zoom Into Wegner


Are you a student that’s interested in a career in accounting? Whether you’re just getting started with your accounting courses, or well on your way to your degree, we want to meet you! Join us online for Zoom Into Wegner and get a close up look at a career at Wegner CPAs! Spend the morning […]

Financially Strong Nonprofits | Tone at the Top Matters


  Being a financially strong nonprofit is about more than the amount of cash in the bank.  Using a holistic approach, this series will explore common characteristics and best practices for sustainable financial health. Tone at the Top Matters Internal controls are often seen as primarily an accounting function and do not receive organization-wide attention.  […]


Financially Strong Nonprofits | Financial Essentials


  Being a financially strong nonprofit is about more than the amount of cash in the bank.  Using a holistic approach, this series will explore common characteristics and best practices for sustainable financial health. Financial Essentials Budgeting, cost allocations, and financial reporting are essential components for allocating resources to maximize mission impact.  Meaningful information is […]


Financially Strong Nonprofits | Financial Sustainability


  Being a financially strong nonprofit is about more than the amount of cash in the bank.  Using a holistic approach, this series will explore common characteristics and best practices for sustainable financial health. Financial Sustainability Accounting is often perceived as simply reporting the past versus strategically planning for the future.  Imagine the effect if […]


Basics of Nonprofit Grant Management

Grants are a significant revenue stream for many nonprofits, but they can seem overwhelming to handle. How does my organization apply for a certain grant? What does my organization need to report to the donor, and what requirements must my organization meet? Will a grant require my organization to get an audit? We’ll dive into […]

Keeping your current management team is key to increasing the value of your business

Hiring has been a hot topic lately and is an important organizational skill to build. But what about keeping the people - in particular your managers and emerging leaders - that are already on your team?  Stability in leadership translates directly to how much your company is worth. Come learn the 5 keys for retaining […]