Upcoming Events

Basics of Nonprofit Grant Management

Grants are a significant revenue stream for many nonprofits, but they can seem overwhelming to handle. How does my organization apply for a certain grant? What does my organization need to report to the donor, and what requirements must my organization meet? Will a grant require my organization to get an audit? We’ll dive into […]

Certified Nonprofit Accounting Professional (CNAP) Course ONLINE


This offering of CNAP will be held virtually via Zoom.     Do you want to move up the ladder by building your financial skill set; are you new to your nonprofit financial position; or are you an experienced professional looking for a way to build your staff’s skills? If so, then Wegner CPAs’ CNAP […]


Keeping your current management team is key to increasing the value of your business

Hiring has been a hot topic lately and is an important organizational skill to build. But what about keeping the people - in particular your managers and emerging leaders - that are already on your team?  Stability in leadership translates directly to how much your company is worth. Come learn the 5 keys for retaining […]

COVID Relief Program Updates and Q&A


Do you still have questions about the COVID relief programs? Join us for an overview of what’s available and learn about any updates to the: Paycheck Protection Program Employee Retention Credit Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance Program Shuttered Venue Operators Grant Restaurant Revitalization Fund Program Please indicate questions you have about these programs during registration […]


Year-End Tax Updates


Join the experts at Wegner CPAs to learn about the tax updates that may impact you or your business this year. We'll take a look at: Employee Retention Credit – benefits and availability 2021 Legislative changes in Washington – tax implications of the Infrastructure Bill and the Build Back Better Reconciliation Bill Planning strategies before […]


Getting Ready for Year-End | QuickBooks Users Group


Are there a few processes or tasks in QuickBooks that trouble you? Do you have challenges with certain functions that you can’t seem to overcome? If so, bring your challenges and troubles to us and let our QuickBooks Advisors help you work through these items in this highly interactive online users group! We will offer […]


Essentials of Nonprofit Revenue


Revenue and support are essential to a not-for-profit’s sustainability. This course is designed for practical exploration of the financial reporting of revenue and support. Using examples, we will apply the […]


The Importance of a 501C3s Public Support Test


This training is aimed at 501(c)(3)’s who fill out Form Schedule A as part of their annual 990 reporting.  As a public charity most organizations are required to measure public […]


Accounting and Staffing in a Remote Environment


  As work in a remote environment continues to become more prevalent and, at times, an essential part of the workforce, organizations must adapt to this way of operating. Join us for this free webinar as we discuss the new challenges that have come to light in this environment, such as: How can employees be […]


QuickBooks Users Group for Non-Profits

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Are there a few processes or tasks in QuickBooks that trouble you? Do you have challenges with certain functions that you can’t seem to overcome? If so, bring your challenges and troubles to us and let our QuickBooks Advisors help you work through these items in this highly interactive online users group just for non-profits! […]


Fundamentals of Nonprofit Accounting


4 CPE Credit Hours in Accounting Are you responsible for the accounting and reporting for your nonprofit, yet struggle with accounting fluency?  Are you a non-accountant who needs to understand […]
