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Reminder: July 15th is the New April 15th for Individual Income Tax Returns

In reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IRS extended the deadline for tax filing and payment for all individuals to July 15th.  Many states, including Wisconsin have followed suit.  This relief also postpones the deadline for the payment of:

  • 2019 IRA contributions
  • HSA contributions
  • Employer qualified retirement plan contributions, and
  • 1st Quarter 2020 estimated tax payments

While our offices are currently closed to the public, our staff are working remotely to provide you with the same services via phone, email and virtual meetings.  If you haven’t already submitted your 2019 information for preparation, we encourage you to do so via mail, secure email or by using the drop boxes at each of our locations.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Wegner tax professional for assistance. 

There’s no need to wait until May or June to get us your tax info.   Our preference is to receive your 2019 tax info as soon as convenient to help balance staff workloads.

For more information you can check out the COVID-19 Resource Center.  You can subscribe to it so that you will be notified as new materials are added frequently. 

Stay safe and well!

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Retirement is an opportunistic time to be with family, travel or simply enjoy some hard-earned time off. Yet there are many things one should consider when approaching retirement. Careful planning